Carbon Footprint

In 2022, Pattern Group calculated an Organisation Carbon Footprint (CFO) for all Group companies, i.e. it was able to define its overall carbon footprint, expressing the greenhouse gas emissions directly and indirectly associated with the organisation's activities. Pattern decided to proceed with the reporting of greenhouse gas emissions associated with all its activities in order to determine which sources have the greatest impact and identify possible actions for their mitigation and reduction.

Carbon dioxide is among the most significant greenhouse gases generated by the combustive oxidation of fossil fuels. The cumulative emission of greenhouse gases is therefore expressed in terms of tonnes of CO2 equivalent (tCO2e), i.e. the cumulative value of the 'climate-changing capacity' of all greenhouse gases weighted against that of CO2, conventionally set equal to 1.

The analysis of greenhouse gas emissions and their reporting within this report was performed with reference to the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard.

Pattern Group impact distribution in the different Scopes
Pattern Group impact distribution in the different emissive categories of Scope 3
Pattern Group impact distribution in Scope 1 and 2 emissive categories
Pattern Group impact distribution in the different emissive categories of Scope 3